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What Can We Do To Attract Good Luck, Money, And Love Into Our Life?

What Can We Do To Attract Good Luck, Money, And Love Into Our Life?

Naturally, you will want to work hard, and do the right thing, both at a job or business, and even in your personal relationships. A marriage can be better if you work at it, as can a job or business. Some people also feel the need for some good luck. Luck in love, with money, with a job, with business, and the list goes on.

You can possibly attract more Good Luck into your life by using the precepts of The Law Of Attraction. Read more about this amazing phenomenon in the book by Charles F. Haanel, " The Master Key System ," which is an awesome manuscript from 100 years ago, and they say it was a huge inspiration for Rhonda Byrne when she wrote The Secret.

Good Karma, and spreading good karma, is also a great idea, particularly when you are hoping for blessings from Heaven, God, the Angels, the Universe, or anything else of a spiritual or mystical nature. The old "what goes around, comes around." If you are unkind to people, even strangers, then you are not as likely to have help from above or beyond. Do some good deeds, feed a homeless person or two, when you can. If the single mom in front of you at a store, is short by a buck or two, just give it to her, if you can swing it. This is how humans "are supposed to" behave... though some never do.

Praying and certain good luck rituals are okay, and there is nothing wrong with lighting a lucky candle, or a money candle, or a prosperity candle. Some people think "everything" is evil, but it's not!


Everyone wants Love, Money, Happiness, and Success! Here are some tips for attracting some good luck into your life to help you get these things that you desire!


Source: http://www.PopularArticles.com/article452002.html
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