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Become a Tech Savvy in 2014

2014 just started, and as usual people are setting new goals and making resolutions. But are you setting the right goals? Below I'll talk about 3 goals I consider particularly important.

GOAL 1: Learn new things

If you want to stay competitive, regardless of your field and profession, you should always be learning new things. And I am not talking about opening a magazine and learning about what is going on in Egypt or how many calories a hamburger has. I am talking about learning new technical things related to your field.

If you work full time on the Internet, for example, you could set the goal to learn one or more of the following things in 2014:


GOAL 2: Move closer to your ideal lifestyle

One of the things that certainly adds to our happiness is living a lifestyle that we like. This includes things like living in a city you like, sleeping/working during the times you like, having the flexibility to make the activities you like and having the time to spend time with the people you like.

In fact many people consider this more important than money. So instead of aiming to make as much money as possible in 2014, aim to get closer to your ideal lifestyle.

GOAL 3: Work on projects you love and are proud of

We all need to work on stuff we don't particularly love to make the ends meet. That is fine. Over time, however, you should be gradually doing fewer of those "pay the bills" projects and more projects in areas you really love, doing things you'll be proud of.

Getting this started is really easy. You could simply dedicate one hour of your nights to working on such a project, and as it grows you start putting more work on it.

If you pursue these 3 goals I am sure you'll end 2014 in great shape!
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