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Top 10 Adsense Secrets to Get Started

1. Easy to Create a Account and Get Approved
Adsense own by Google, Anyone with Google account can apply for Adsense no matter if they have a small or large website or freely hosted Blogger blog or Youtube videos..Less pain in account setup.

2.Adsense Require no Minimum Traffic Level
Other ad networks ask for 1000 or more than 1000 visitors per day but Adsense ignores it.Adsense only asks for original content.Content is the King!

3.Keyword Targeted Ads
Adsense deliver ads based on the keywords on your site.For example if your keyword is Facebook.Facebook ads will show up on the site.

4. Adsense Owns the Largest Online Advertiser Network (Adwords)
Since Google is behind the Adsense advertisers are behind Google.You will never run out of ads on your site because they have millions of ads to display on your site.But other ad networks have few bunch of advertisers comparing to Adwords.

5.Highly Localized Ads
Your site is for local audience Adsense will display ads relevant to your location.No doubt, this is a best of Adsense.Other Advertisers ask for U.S traffic exclusively but no more pain with Adsense on that.

6.Good Ad sizes
Adsense give you ad sizes which perform very well in webpages.Specially 728*90,336*280 and 468*60 and 120*600 units make lot of money.

7.Content Blending Colors
This feature was very important in getting clicks because blending  make users to think that ads are parts of content. Adsense ads won't feel like advertisements

8.Good eCPM,RPM
Comparing to other ad networks adsense have strong eCPM and it is consistent.

9.Revenue Throughout the Year
Adsense generate revenue throughout the year.Does not depend on the season or months.

10.Payments Delivered on Time
No delays in payments and can hold our payments at any time.
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