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zerg rush o's eat google serch results

Type zerg rush in any Google search box and wait until the result page is fully loaded.
See what happens! Lots of Red and Yellow O's in Google logo appears and eats the Google search results including images. 
          ooo  ooo
       oo            oo
       o       o  o  o o
       oo                o
         o                o
          oo           oo
            ooo   oooo
                 ooo    o

What's Zerg Rush? 
Here is the quote from Mashable

Google is giving us another reason to goof off on a Friday with an Easter egg related to the popular game StarCraft.
If you type “Zerg Rush” into Google, the “O’s” in Google take over the page. If you double click, your cursor turns into a plus sign. Click on the O’s and you wipe them out. Google then tabulates your score and, in a social media twist, lets you post your score on Google+.
For the uninitiated, Zergs are an alien race of insectoids in Blizzard Entertainment’s StarCraft. In the game you “rush” them by amassing your battle units and blitz them.
Google’s motivation for this latest Easter egg is unclear, except perhaps as a way to migrate more users to G+.
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