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Report Writing Format

Report is the final publication of your university research work or project. Before writing a good report here are some tips about report writing that you must pay attention.

Report writing Tips

Consider about...

Titles, subtitles


Simplicity, sentence & wards

Capitalization in text

Use of observations & foot notes

Use of figures-graphs histograms, pie-charts

Titles for tables & figures

Reefer to tables & figures in the text

Avoid repetition & duplications


Format of report writing

report format

Format for report writing

  • Title page 
  • Abbreviations 
  • Abstract(single page, objectives, methods, results, implications )
  • Table of contents 
  • List of figures 
  • Introduction 
  • Literature review (theoretical & empirical) 
  • Methodology 
  • (Hypothesis, variable, test models, data collection, data analysis) 
  • Results & discussion 
  • Conclusion & implications 
  • Bibliography or references 
  • Appendixes
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