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Quick Tips Beating Driving Anxiety

Driving anxiety is one of the most terrifying experiences that can happen to you while on the road. You could be driving your usual route when suddenly; you started feeling "weird". It could start with a tiny heart flutter and before you know it, you feel numb, faint and have difficulty breathing. Scary, irrational thoughts overwhelm you and you fear that you are about to lose control.

Some people with driving anxiety can also proceed to develop driving phobia. For example, you may start avoiding bridges and highways due to several anxiety episodes and eventually, associate it with fear and panic.
Luckily, driving anxiety is not a permanent condition and it is possible to overcome it completely. Here are some simple tips to beat your driving anxiety:

Quick Tip # 1. Positive Affirmation 
An effective way to tackling driving anxiety is to examine your thought process, especially when you are showing signs of anxiety while driving. For example, for drivers with phobia of highways, their automatic reaction when approaching the highway connector would be:

"Highways are dangerous. Look at how fast the cars are travelling. What if an accident happens while I am trying to merge with them?"

"I can't merge with the traffic. There is not enough space for me to filter in. What if someone hits my bumper?"

These are called "self-defeating thoughts" and they are at the opposite end of realistic, truthful thoughts. To combat this, focus on positive, calming thoughts such as:

"I have done this before. If I observe the traffic rule, no one can fault me."

"I will give signals in advance to show my intention. Once there is enough space, I will merge in."

Quick Tip # 2. Do Not Hesitate 
 It is important not to hesitate when you are driving. Hesitating will make you nervous because you are unsure of how to proceed. Trust me, you do not want to be caught stopping in the middle of a junction, unsure of which way to turn. Don't hesitate, move on.

For example, if you can't merge into highways (it happens sometimes), do not stop at the acceleration/exit lane worrying about what to do. Move on! Loop around the service or local road and try again. Don't hesitate, move on.
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